5 stretches to relieve back pain.

Nowadays / Friday, May 28th, 2021

Back and lower back pain is a very common ailment in our society. We lead a very sedentary life, and even a large part of society admits that they do not have time to be physically active in their daily lives.

In the last year, in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, many people who have started teleworking have further reduced their mobility, and spend much more time sitting down.

Therefore, first of all, we would like to emphasise the importance of good posture. Whether sleeping, sitting while working (we recommend our lumbar cushion to maintain the correct posture) or walking, it is essential that we take care of our back. Most hours of the day are spent lying down or sitting, so they are the key to the health of our back.

Although this is a very broad topic, today we would like to focus on recommending some very simple stretches that you can do at home to help you improve your posture, relieve back pain and avoid future injuries.

Important: these are exercises to be performed if you have a heavy area or minor aches and pains, and should be performed continuously to obtain relief and improvement. Do not do if you suffer from lumbago or sciatic pain. For this, contact your doctor.

We recommend the use of a mat to make stretching more comfortable.

1. Knees to chest.

Lie on the mat on your back on the floor.
Bring your legs to your chest and wrap your arms around them.
Stay like this for 30 seconds. You can repeat this several times.
You can also move your lower back by making small circles to massage your lower back.

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2. Knee to chest with leg straight.

Similar to the previous posture, but only holding one leg to the chest, and the other leg is stretched out flat on the floor.
Stay like this for 30 seconds. You can repeat this several times.

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3. Twisting on the floor.

Lie on the floor on your back on the mat with your legs straight.
Bend your right leg and over the waist area, cross it to your left side.
Try not to let your arms leave the floor.
Hold for 10/15 seconds and switch legs. You can repeat this several times.

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4. Lower back arch.

This is a stretch known in yoga as cat-cow.
Stand on the mat on 4 supports (hands and knees).
The movement begins by curving your back upwards while putting your head between your arms (inhaling), and then raising your head while straightening your back (exhaling).
It is very important to perform the movements together with the breath.
Repeat 5 to 10 times.
It is very simple and helps to stretch the whole back with very slow and gentle movements.

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5. Child’s pose.

Posture known by this name in yoga.
Kneel on the mat, lean your body forward stretching your arms, chest on your knees and your head down facing the mat.
Your buttocks should be as close to your heels as possible.
Use your hands, as if walking forward, to lower yourself a little further.
Stay like this for 30 seconds. You can repeat this several times.
This posture is also very relaxing.

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Try doing them daily and you will see the great benefits they have for your back and your daily well-being.

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