Ubiotex anti-decubitus cushion selection guide


After a long history as manufacturers and specialists in anti-decubitus and rest articles, at Ubiotex we would like to present the wide range of anti-decubitus cushions that we have. Each cushion is designed and manufactured for a type of user, by functionality, size and weight, and needs. Choosing the right anti-decubitus cushion is essential for […]

9th July 2021

Bedsores. What they are, causes and prevention.


What are bedsores? Bedsores, also known as pressure ulcers, are skin lesions caused by continuous pressure, rubbing or friction due to displacement. The areas of skin covering the bony parts of the body, and people who are bedridden or have reduced mobility, are usually affected to a greater extent. The injury begins by affecting the […]

19th February 2021