Do you wake up tired?

Rest / Wednesday, December 18th, 2019

If you wake up tired, grumpy and not wanting to face the day you may not be sleeping in the right posture. Surely you have slept a sufficient number of hours and with a deep sleep but, nevertheless, the feeling is that you have not rested at all, you are in pain, you feel your legs loaded and your back hurts so much that you can hardly stay straight, it is as if you had spent the night without stopping work or a truck had passed over you.
The box spring, the mattress and the pillow can influence and also the habits that we have before going to sleep, for example looking at computer screens or mobile phones can make quality sleep difficult. The temperature of the room also influences, very hot or cold can make us wake up several times and sleep uneasily. Some foods also have positive and negative consequences for sleep quality, stimulants such as caffeine, theine, alcohol, make sleep difficult while meat, eggs, especially yolk, dairy and fruits such as bananas, pineapple or plum They favor it because they contain Tryptophan which is converted into melatonin which is the hormone that regulates the oscillation between sleep and wakefulness.
But, if we do not rest in spite of sleeping well, the problem is surely derived from the fact that we do not adopt the correct posture during sleep: the head is neither high nor low perfectly aligned with the spine and the hip.
The Ubiotex knee pillow can help you sleep and get up rested, it is an ergonomic leg pillow that is placed between the knees getting the hip to stay straight and the spine aligned, thus avoiding back pain and favoring rest quality; It also favors blood circulation. It is made of soft anti-allergic fabric, breathable, antiescaras and anti-odor, easily washable. It is also perfect for pregnant women, especially in the last months of pregnancy when they find it difficult to maintain a comfortable posture in bed and for older people, especially if they have to stay in bed for a long time.
With the Ubiotex knee pillow you can sleep peacefully and get up rested, painless and full of energy.
Buy it now and sleep like a lilies!


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