Identification data

UBIOTEX QUALITY LIFE SL, with NIF B54801998, domiciled in San Vicente del Raspeig, Canastell Industrial Estate, Calle Fragua 21, CP 03690, and with telephone 965 675 892, with email address, and registered in the mercantile registry of Alicante , Volume 3796, Folio 53, Sheet nº A-141266, Inscription 1ª.


From now on, "Ubiotex" will inform users of the different Internet portals of its property about the policy of protection of personal data, so that Users determine freely and voluntarily if they wish to provide with the personal data that may be required or that may be obtained from Users in connection with the purchase, subscription or registration to some of the services offered by in the Portal or through the Portal.

Use of the portal provides access to multiple information and data belonging to Ubiotex.

The user assumes his responsibility for the use of the portal. This responsibility extends to the registry that is provided to the user to access certain information or data. In this registry the user will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information. When having access to this registry, the user will have a password provided by Ubiotex for which he will be responsible, committing to make a responsible and diligent use.

Data protection

Ubiotex reserves the right to modify the present policy of legal notice and data protection in order to adapt it to new legislations or jurisprudences as well as practices in its sector. In these cases, will announce on this page the changes introduced before its application.

The Personal Data collected through the Portal will be subject to automated processing and incorporated into the corresponding automated files by Ubiotex, being Ubiotex Quality Life S.L. the holder and responsible for the file according to the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data.

The main purpose of the data file is to maintain the commercial relationship with our customers, facilitate the processing of information and administrative and commercial notifications, carrying on statistical studies for decision making, as well as sending advertising, information and news regarding the products and services sold by Ubiotex.

Ubiotex ensures the confidentiality of the customers’ provided data and guarantees that, they will never be assigned for any other use without the prior and express consent of our customers.

Ubiotex makes available to users the access to information about the Privacy Policy and any other relevant information that may be of interest. Except in fields where it is indicated that it is mandatory to enter the data, users are free to provide the rest of the data.

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, customers and users of Ubiotex can, at any time, exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to their personal data through the email indicating the subject.

Ubiotex may use cookies when the user browses through the url of the web portal. The cookies that may be used in the websites and web pages of the Portal which are only associated with the browser of a specific computer (IP address).

On the availability of access to the website

The website can be accessed by any user with Internet access. In this sense, the availability and functioning of the web at all times is not guaranteed since it is possible to suffer interruptions due to causes beyond the company's control, such as the server hosting crash, etc. In this sense, we exclude any type of liability for damages caused in case the website stops working properly.

On the quality of the page and limitation of liability

Users are informed that the use of electronic data transmission systems and electronic mail does not offer absolute guarantees and full security, for any infraction may occur. In this sense, both the user and Ubiotex are mutually exempt from any type of liability.

Ubiotex reserves the right to cancel any order placed through the website unilaterally due to errors in stock, prices, and descriptions of the products or any other type. In these cases, the paid amount in the canceled orders will be credited to the customer.

On the use of the brands and designs owned by Ubiotex

All brands, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that appear on the website are property of UBIOTEX QUALITY LIFE S.L. or third parties who have authorized its use, without meaning that the use or access to the website and / or its contents give the user any right over the mentioned trademarks, trade names and / or distinctive signs, and none of the exploitation rights that exist or may exist may be transferred to the user.

On the use of Hyperlinks

If you use hyperlinks between your website and the website, you must fulfill the following conditions:

-          It is not necessary an express authorization of in case of being a real client of the company.

-          Frames will not be created with the url of or the url of Ubiotex Quality Life S.L.

-          No comments or false, inaccurate or offensive indications will be made about Ubiotex Quality Life S.L., its directors, employees or other partners or collaborators for any reason and / or information provided through the web.

-          The website where the hyperlink is established cannot contain unlawful information, contrary to morality or good customs generally accepted by the public and / or public order. It will not contain false and offensive information for whatever reason.


For any questions arising on the interpretation, application and compliance with this Legal Notice, as well as the claims that may arise from its use, all parties involved must submit to the Judges and Courts of Alicante, expressly relinquishing to any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them. The applicable legislation for The Legal Notice is regulated by Spanish law. Copyright © 2015 - Ubiotex Quality Life S.L.

All copyrights are reserved by international intellectual property laws and treaties. It is expressly forbidden to copy, reproduce or disseminate it, in whole or partially.


Responsible for data processing

UBIOTEX QUALITY LIFE S.L. whose NIF is B54801998.

Postal address: Calle Fragua, nº21 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig. Alicante

Phone: (+34) 965 500 473


There is no delegate for data protection.

Purpose of the file

The purpose of the file will depend on the kind of form completed. The purposes of the files can be the following:

-          Obtaining necessary user data so that you can register as a customer.

-          Obtaining necessary data from the user to send the Newsletter.

-          Obtaining necessary data from the user to answer your questions and send you commercial information about the products and services offered by UBIOTEX QUALITY LIFE S.L.


The personal data provided by users will be kept and maintained during the business relationship with the interested party. If you do not wish to receive any notification, do not accept the new conditions.


Automated decisions, profiles and applied logic: Ubiotex will not make automated decisions, profiles or logic applied to your data.


Legitimacy for the execution of a contract: due to the fact that the data processing is necessary for the execution of the commercial contract in which you are a party, it is hereby stated that the kind of contract is the contractual relationship between the parts.

Since the communication of data is a legal or contractual requirement and a necessary requirement to subscribe this contract, the interested party is informed that he is obliged to provide the personal data because if he does not do so, the sale operation that is collected in contract cannot be accomplished.


During the period of duration of the data processing, UBIOTEX QUALITY LIFE S.L. will not make any assignment nor any transfer, except legal obligation.


The interested party may exercise the following rights:

-          Right to request access to your personal data

-          Right to request rectification or deletion

-          Right to request the limitation of its treatment

-          Right to object to treatment

-          Right to data portability

-          Right to withdraw the given consent

If the user wants to modify or delete the data, he/she can use the contact forms available by the company or, through the email

If you feel that your rights have been violated as far as data protection is concerned, you can file a complaint with the Control Authority in competent data protection material through

In compliance with the provisions of article 21 of Law 34/2002 about services of the information society and electronic commerce, if you do not wish to receive more information about our products, you can unsubscribe at the following email address indicating in the subject "DO NOT SEND EMAILS"


The personal data that we use in UBIOTEX QUALITY LIFE S.L. come directly from the user. The kinds of data we are dealing with are: identification data, banking data, commercial information, fiscal, postal and electronic addresses, economic and financial data.